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Mushroom Bruschetta on Grilled Flatbread

Super delicious, easy to make, and most importantly, it's a healthier option for you than your standard ordinary slice of pizza!

It's all about the toppings, and less being more! The ease of using a ready-made flatbread and/or naan bread of your choice, heating it on a grill, and topping it with beneficial olive oil, pesto, and your favorite fresh toppings makes it and clean eating delicious experience! Oh, did I mention you don't even miss the mozzarella on top!

Try this deliciously easy flatbread recipe and add your own twist to it!

​Remember, always make it your own!


Check out the recipe below, and also enjoy the live cooking demo from our weekly

*T E S T K I T C H E N T H U R S D A Y*

  • 2 cups mushrooms, roughly chopped or hand torn apart

  • 2 shallots, sliced

  • 1 can diced tomatoes, drained

  • 2 cloves garlic, diced

  • handful of fresh basil, chopped

  • Small container of pesto

  • Flatbread/Naan

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • *Abstract Rose Sea Salt

  • *shrimp is a tasty substitute or addition to this recipe!

~Heat your pan on med/high heat and spray with cooking spray~

  1. Add mushrooms and shallots, seasoning with 1/2 tsp of Abstract Rose Sea Salt to the heated pan and saute for approximately 1 minute.

  2. Add in garlic and continue sauteing until mushrooms are crisp around the edges- making sure not to burn the garlic.

  3. Reduce heat to low and stir in fresh basil sauteing until just wilted.

  4. Add in drained diced tomatoes and a pinch of Abstract Sea Salt stirring until well combined and heated through. Remove from heat and set aside.

  5. Take flatbread and lay directly on stove top (no pan). Turn on stove to high and grill each side until your preferred char, turning with tongs.

  6. Remove from heat and plate. **For electric stove tops: perform this step by adding flatbread to a pan/stove top grill.**

  7. Spread approximately 1 tbsp pesto to warm plated flatbread.

  8. Add bruschetta to warm grilled pesto flatbread, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, slice and enjoy! ​


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